The Company has established a Code of Conduct in recognition of its legal and social obligations to its employees, partners and suppliers, consumers and the wider community.

The general philosophy of the Company requires that its Directors and employees adhere to the highest standards of corporate and individual behaviour.

The Company is committed to pursuing the best interests of its shareholders as a whole and to the protection, preservation and, ultimately, sustained growth of their capital whilst also properly discharging its responsibility to employees.

The Company recognises its responsibility to establish and maintain good corporate citizenship in those communities in which it operates. This responsibility extends to interaction with Government and responding to the changing requirements and expectations of industry, environment, the parties with whom the Company deals and the community as a whole.

The Company is committed to compliance with all relevant legislation and corporate policies. Directors and employees are expected to be aware of all legislation and policies applicable to their position and be sufficiently familiar with such laws and policies that they are able to comply. No Director or employee shall conduct themselves in a way which brings the Company into disrepute.

The Company is committed to continuous improvement in the quality of its performance in all ways that it operates. Directors and employees may acquire information not generally known to the public such as trade secrets, processes, methods and other information which affect financial results. This information is the property of the Company. Further, no Director, employee or contractor of the Company is permitted to act dishonestly or to use confidential information or position within the Company for the purpose of personal gain or the pursuit of any objectives other than those of the Company.

As established in its Continuous Disclosure Policy, the Company is committed to delivering timely and accurate information to the market so that the entire investment community can operate on an equally informed basis.

The Company encourages employees to report concerns relating to illegal, unethical or improper conduct in circumstances where they may be apprehensive about raising their concern because of fear of possible adverse repercussions. The Company is committed to investigating and addressing any illegal, unethical and improper conduct.

The overriding principles of honesty, integrity and propriety are fundamental elements of all the policies and practices which have been implemented by the Company.


The Board of Directors of Anagenics is confident of its level of compliance with the governance requirements in Australia and also confident that the company continues to uphold the highest governance standards. The Directors are committed to continually review and improve those standards in the best interests of shareholders and in order to maintain and maximise shareholder value.

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